Thursday, July 31, 2008

Eating Veggies, Visit from Joshua and Patricia, and Lots of Sleep

I - Eating my Veggies.
So far we have tried green beans, carrots, peas, squash, and sweet potatoes. She loves everything but HATES carrots. I guess next we can try the stage 2 foods, and we can get started on the fruit purees. Weaning - well, she is having two formula bottles a day. Starting Friday, I am going to go for 2 bottles in a row. Ugh - this could be terrible! Think positive thoughts!
II. Visit from Joshua and Patricia.

Patricia and her son Joshua can to visit us this week. He is very, very active! We now know that it is probably time to child proof the house! I am so glad they came to see Casey! Oh, and he loved our dog Dixie!

III. Lots of sleep - I think we are now at 6 nights in a row without getting up to eat in the middle of the night. I think this could be it!!! Good girl, Casey!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

FINALLY meeting up with Meredith, David, and Luke!

Meredith and David were in our Monday night Lamaze Class. Crazy enough, we really had not been in touch with each other after our kiddos came along. Meredith sent me an e-mail to my Presbyterian account the day before the account was to be shut down! WHAT LUCK!!! I have loved talking with her and reading her blog!

The crew came over for dinner tonight! Luke is ready for the baby crawling equivalent of NASCAR. He is Jimmie Johnson on hands and knees - go speed racer! He loved Casey's toys but REALLY loved our dog Dixie (who is so worn out she has collapsed at my feet and is snoring). Casey really liked Luke's phone...she drooled all over it - nothing like sharing your germs with good friends! Any ways, as you will see in the pictures, he was so fast that I had a hard time getting a good picture of him!

The video is not the best - our house is SOO dark!

Like mother, like daughter! Watch out dad, she is going to run up a pretty big bill when she is older! HA HA HA!

Oh yeah - you should all have Meredith and David over - she makes GREAT brownies!

It is 815am and WHERE is your child?

This was the panic I felt when I rolled over and looked at the clock at 8am! I ran (no lie) down the hall worried:

The doodlebug is STILL SLEEPING. Yes, I am screaming when saying this! STILL SLEEPING! I am in shock! She has been asleep continuously since 915pm!

Icing on the cake - she is snoring, has kicked her blankets off and has flipped herself around to the other end of the crib. She is SOOO her daddy's girl!


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

6 month visit (2 weeks late), hilarious high chair pictures and Stuckey visit!

So, we finally made it in for Casey's 6 month appointment. Her head has grown ( 20th to 25th percentile) and she is now 25 inches in length (5th to 10th percentile)! Unfortunately, she has lost 3 ounces since June 30th. Momma isn't feeding her enough food! She is playing all day long and burning off too many calories. So, we are going with adding cereal at breakfast and veggies at lunch AND dinner.We have to take her back in a month to see if she has gained weight. No big deal. Oh and the big JACKPOT moment was when my LOVELY baby doc gave us 2 cans of Similac for FREE! That saves us $30! We aren't at the point where she is having formula every day, but I hear once that hits, watch the pocketbook!

The High Chair - Mom gave me a hand-me-down high chair for Casey. As you can see in the pictures, we are going to need to put a few books under her little butt! I just had to get a few pictures of her peaking above the tray. Too cute, in my opinion!

Stuckey Visit - It was great to see the Stuckey's and Landon! Landon is so tiny! I seriously can't remember Casey that small, heck, she was even smaller! He is just precious! I think he looks like Sabrina. At any rate, he is cute and the Stuckeys are doing fine. Sabrina looks really good...keep it up momma!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Go Speed Racer, Go!!!

Ladies start your engines...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Casey top 10 favorite things - in no order - idea borrowed from Alyssa

Casey's TEN favorite things - in no order

1. Scooting across the floor military style to grab the dog's leg or mom's toes.

2. bath time - and being naked before bath time

3. flipping over during her diaper change - seriously kid, stay still!!!

4. eating green beans

5. watching Noggin - mom's favorite too!!! We LOVE Lazy Town!

6. Chewing on anything - her favorites are the base to the bouncer chair (get out the lysol wipes moms) and her keys (that are a piece of crap because the battery died - hate mail to Sassy on the way!!!). She loves chewing on my Iron Man watch (don't worry, I wash my hands A LOT). Oh, and let's not forget her toes...I can't imagine they taste good, but they do to her!

7. Daddy's singing and mom's humming (mom can't sing - she would be famous on American Idol for being booted off and Simon calling her APPALLING).

8. Fighting with mom at nap time...when mom dims the lights, she knows it is nap time and is NOT happy.

9. talking to/ squealing at the dog
10. Casey LOVES mom and dad (well, she LOVES dad when mom isn't around - rotten!!!)

Just for fun -

Here is Casey 1 week old and 6 months old

Oh yeah, Casey loves playing Peek-a-boo and laughing at mom when she dances to the songs on Noggin (tries to entertain Casey but gets laughed at - back to Simon Cowell comment...)

Friday, July 18, 2008

Question for MOMS...and more pics of Casey and Payton


What type (brand) of bibs do you use for feeding solids? THANKS!

CASEY AND PAYTON - We went to Angie's house and Casey was finally able to meet Payton and Holly. I luckily packed along a few of Casey's toys...Paytons loves keys. It was funny to watch Payton play with Casey's keys...she gave her this look like, "Those are mine, but I don't know what to do about it." Hilarious! Angie made us a wonderful lunch and dessert by the way. YUM!

My favorites from the play date:

1. Payton taking off Casey's sock and stuffing it in her mouth.

2. Casey and Payton trying to touch each other's head.

3. Casey showing Holly and Angie how she scoots accross the floor to get a toy (or tv remote).

4. Payton leaning over and sucking on Casey's hand.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Play Date with Payton at "GiGi's" House - July 16

Pictures of Casey and Payton on their playdate at Angie's House.

I will write more later...tons of fun!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Monday night I treated my two best girl friends to tickets to see George Michael. I thought seats in the 400 section would be just fine, so in April, I ordered them.

As we arrived at section 415 last night, a man told us that we needed to go to another set of seats and to tale the elevator down to the bottom level! I proceded to start screaming like a middle school girl. They put us in section 121, row 3...screaming....lots and lots of it and throw in a few Oh my Gods and and few more, I can't believe we are sitting here - this was me last night!

They relocated out entire section! The guy next to us had bernoculars! We died laughing!

So, the concert was the very best ever! I have never been so close to the stage at a concert and he was like only 20-30 feet away! Put it this way, I could see the orange stitching in his jeans from where I was sitting!

Man - oh - Man!

We all took pictures with our cell phones...when I can figure it out, I will post a real one. This is one I found online from the concert.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Baby Steps for Baby Momma

Well, I am not super thrilled, but I gave Casey her first formula bottle today. I started to omit feeding her once a day yesterday. Yesterday I used what I had in the freezer, but today I decided it was time to give formula a try...eventually she will need it at every meal. If I want to be finished with this process before I go back to work August 18th, then I have to start somewhere. I have been putting this off for over a month...ugh.

She sucked it all down. I thought it smelled terrible, but she gulped without a second thought. I hope it doesn't upset her stomach!

I will live...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Casey Sitting Up!!!

Casey started sitting up today! So exciting!!! I seriously squealed with excitement and ran to grab the camera!

Monday, July 7, 2008


Here is a video of Casey playing with her Butterfly that one of my very, very sweet students gave to her.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Hanging out with my Aunt GiGi

Andy's sister Jennifer came by for a quick visit Friday night. It was great to see her!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

6 months old and the cold that is pushing mom over the edge!

Casey is 6 months old today. I would be more excited, but this congestion is killing me! I want to take something, but many of the medicines you can take to dry your nose up will dry everything else, if I don't EVERYTHING dried up, I need to be patient. I am having a very hard time being patient with a sick Casey,when I am sick as well.

SO, she refuses to lay on her back to get her diaper changed. She fusses and flips over in about 2 seconds. I have tried everything I can think of to distract her. Most of the time, her diapers end up this point, who cares!

Glad that Casey is 1/2 a year old, but in desperate need of a day to myself before I lose it.

Oh, and Stuckey had her baby boy yesterday...not sure on the stats yet.