Sunday, February 15, 2009

On my box and lots of words!

Just a few of the words Casey can either say/repeat:

momma, mommy, dadda, daddy, wa-wa, pee pee, poo-poo, yellow, green, blue, red, Mary (her daycare teacher), paw paw (said once or twice), GiGi, Dixie, BABY (her favorite) and ba-ba. Oh, and Aunt Ruby and Uncle Tommy taught her to say Thank you. It is so cute...she says "Thank Chee". That is her thank you.

She loves the "Itsy Bitsy Spider". In one of the two pictures she is trying to do it along with me. In the other one, she is looking up at Andy.


Alyssa said...

Wow! Look at her gab away! She's so cute!

Holly Heston said...

Wow!!! She is quite the talker! That is amazing. Payton only says dada, mama, done, duck, dog (those all kind of sound the same). I am so imressed. way to go, casey!

David, Meredith, and Luke said...

Hooray for Casey! She's gonna need to teach Luke a few words. :0)

Johanna at The Baker Twins said...

I just want to eat her up!