Casey semi-patiently waiting for her new toy!
"Sit down Casey".
Grandma Kay took the day off today and we had so much fun! We first went over to visit and Casey went nuts over a jumbo sized vitamin bottle. I am not real sure how we got away with not bringing to eat, but we got lucky! We were going to go to Blackeyed Pea, but Kay mentioned Boudreaux's and I went nuts! I have been dying to go there! It was really good and surprisingly packed for lunch time. We ordered Casey Mac N' Cheese and all she really wanted was the "cookies" (saltine crackers) and to flirt with the people sitting near us. We took Casey to check her diaper and got on the topic of potty training. We were then off to Target! Casey was getting a little fussy, so Kay found her a cute toy. The pictures above are of her trying to open it and Casey patiently waiting. So, I am no pro at what to look for in a potty but Kay has some potty training experience. I was so glad she was there to help. I had considered buying a froggy potty, but it turns out it was for boys and might have been uncomfortable for Casey. She picked out a Princess Potty that plays music as a reward! I am so excited! Casey has passed out in her crib so we will try it out as soon as she gets up!
We had the best day today! It was so special for us to have a girl's day and for Casey to spend time with her Grandma.
Cute potty!
You'll have to let me know if you like that potty, and how training goes! :)
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